By: Thor

The car broke down, Matt was stranded it was not too late on the evening but it was a long journey home, he called the AA who came and collected the car and put him up in a local hotel for the night until the car could be fixed, not the most ideal situation but still… Matt phoned work to tell them he would not be back tomorrow, worked out fairly well as he booked the next few days off anyway to have a surprise visit to his parents. He went down to the local pub as the hotel bar was empty, and sat and had a few drinks while playing a bit of pool.

The local rugby team all came in, seemed they just had a good game as the whole pup was in celebration which Matt was pushed into. After a few hours things had started to settle, seemed the man of the match was a big fairly big chubby guy named Dom, 6’1 around 330lbs he had dominated the match. Matt was always into the bigger guys himself, while not as big as Dom only about 200lbs he was just as tall, so Matt went to talk to Dom and brought him a drink.. For a few hours they both chatted, Matt told Dom about his bad luck with the car and how he was going to go on a surprise visit to his folks for the next few days, Dom said he had a few days off so suggested Matt stay with him and spend more time together, Matt was overjoyed and soon changed his plans to visit the folks and instead went to stay with Dom, Matt couldn’t believe his luck

They both left together and went for a long walk, both laughing and joking and seemed to get along really well, eventually they got to Dom’s house as soon as the door shut the atmosphere seemed to change. Dom was still laughing and joking but a much darker sense of humour appeared, but they carried on talking and getting along. “hey Dom do you think we could order some food in, I’m sure you must be hungry after the game”, Dom just smiled and his stomach gave off a loud growl “heh, I already got something lad, but cheers for worrying about me not often my..” he paused, “hmm? Your what?... what do you have then? I’m a little hungry myself”

“Soz lad not enough for you as well, your gonna have to do without” Dom rubbed his belly slowly and took off his shirt, “so head or feet first lad? Once in a lifetime offer”

“What… what are you on about, I don’t get it”

“You lad, which way you want to go in head or feet first?”

“Go where… I…I”

“Right lad, I’ll decide for you head first I’m gonna enjoy that satisfied feeling of you filling up my belly boy”

Matt started to move back slowly before he made a dash for the door, Dom smiled to himself and ran towards Matt with surprising speed, quickly tackling him down to the ground. Something snaps in Matt, adrenalin rushes through his veins and manages to push Dom off of him, Dom quickly grabs hold off Matt and they begin to wrestle Matt desperately trying to push Dom off of him and get to the door, and somehow seems to be holding his own against Dom. Dom’s loving it, surprised at Matt’s strength he continues to taunt him knowing full well Matt can’t keep this up for long “Ill enjoy squeezing you in, you’re gonna make a good meal” Matt just gets more angry and frustrated knowing Dom is playing with him, “I reckon you’d fatten me up nice and good”

Matt continued to struggle, but it was futile, with Dom’s weight, size, and strength advantage Matt had little hope of pushing Dom off him so he stopped… within seconds Dom had Matt completely pinned to the ground and unable to move “you know I really am gonna enjoy squeezing you in! Your gonna go in head first lad.....diving into my belly!” with that Dom sits up on Matt’s stomach and slaps his gut. “If you’re giving up then its time for me to send you down the hatch bub! Well right after you help me, as once you’re down in here *slapping his belly* I’ll have to take care of it myself…

Dom Stands up and drops his pants, his cock rock hard from all the excitement… he smirks bends over and pulls Matt up who is now too tired and stunned to resist… Dom turns Matt round and slams his cock into his rear, almost knocking Matt through the door, Dom was use to bigger guys so was more forceful at first but realising this became somewhat more gentle, still it was obvious Matt was not enjoying it as much as Dom with his weak cries of protest… not long after Dom’s hot load was shooting up Matt’s ass, Dom grabbed Matt and pulled him close pressing him up against his belly while he unloaded… after a few seconds he let go of Matt who promptly fell to the ground and Dom fell to his knees. “Arrr fuck yeah!” he grabbed Matt’s head and mashed his face into his gut “your new home lad!! We’re gonna have some fun I reckon, least I certainly will”

Matt was just hoping Dom would let him go, he tried to talk but with his face mashed into Dom’s fat belly all Dom could hear was muffled cries…

Matt pushed his hands against Dom’s belly to try to push himself away but he could not muster the strength he had before, Dom just smiled he let go of Matt’s head and grabbed his arms, he pulled Matt up towards him smiling he licked Matt’s face before shoving his hands into his mouth. Matt was in utter shock as his hands actually fit inside Dom’s mouth, he was so stunned he just sat there shacking not knowing what to do… he tried to pull away but Dom still had a tight grip on his arms, Matt was hoping Dom was lying when he said he could swallow him but it was clear it was no lie

“wh…. Who the hell are you!! What are you!! What the hell are you trying to do to me!! Let me go please, HELP!! Someone help me!!!”

Dom smirked, and started to swallow, gulping Matt’s hands into his oesophagus and his arms moved slowly into Dom’s mouth. Matt somehow mustered the strength to stand up and try to pull away, even tried kicking Dom to try to break free from which he just got a glare back, Dom immediately stood right up and pushed Matt hard against the door which shoot his arms right into his throat… his stomach growled loudly so he moved his hands to Matt’s shoulders and pushed him down so he could begin to start to engulf Matt’s head.

Dom once again smirked and started to open his mouth wide, Matt was horrified just staring into Dom’s wide open mouth, seeing his own arms at the back going down, down into the darkness. Dom paused a moment to enjoy this feeling, his tongue slithered out under Matt’s chin and then Dom moved his arms around Matt’s side and started to pull him inside. Matt was in complete awe of the sight but tried to break free, moving his head as far back as he could closing his eyes and hoping it would all end, he felt the warm breath of Dom all over his face he opened his eyes to only see Dom’s mouth he cried “Please no, stop I’ll do anything just don’t eat me!! Please I don’t want to….” Before he could finish what he was saying Dom closed his mouth around Matt’s head, his tongue slopping all over his face. Dom moved his hands down matt’s body and started lifting, at the same time started gulping… Dom was feeling it, he was tired now, and he just wanted to kick back but had a lot of work to do, for a moment he stopped but as he does his stomach growls almost knowing how close it was to getting filled… Dom continued to swallow, pushing and pulling Matt hard into his mouth with his hands, he could feel Matt’s movements down his chest, and felt some relief when he felt Matt’s head enter his stomach… Dom only just realised how much pain this was causing him, Matt’s chest was now inside his oesophagus, Dom just started cramming Matt down his throat as fast as he could, within seconds only Matt’s feet remained but he just slurped them down as fast as he downed the rest of Matt… The pain all went and Dom fell on his back to the floor, he’d done it…

Dom looked down at his gut, it was huge! And was moving!! Dom almost freaked out, he was surprised how much his gut was moving, how big it was and how good it felt… He laid back stunned for a few moments admiring how big his gut was and that’s when he heard, heard the cries off Matt from within his gut, somewhat muffled he could still make out a few words, fat, pig, disgusting, shit, bastard were a few but Dom didn’t seem to care much Matt was food now, “you can squeal all ya want kid, your just belly fat now” which only seemed to make things better, Matt struggled so much more Dom was in ecstasy “hmmmm, kick all ya want, I got a big solid gut here lad, no hope for ya”

Dom started to caress his own cock, the feeling in his gut was amazing nothing had come close to this before… Matt continued fight to be let out in which Dom just replied “You aint going nowhere boy, just there to fatten my belly *BEELLLCH* arrr”

Dom didn’t know what to do, it had all happened so fast a few moments ago Matt was here wrestling him and now he was trapped inside his stomach, “you quieten down now lad” Matt let out a furry of kicks and punches, bashing Dom’s stomach... Dom couldn’t hold it anymore and cum like he had never done before, one hand on his dick the other rubbing Matt in his belly.

Inside Dom’s stomach Matt was cramped and could barely move at all, it seemed like he had been inside here for hours, it was so warm and wet, Matt was fighting to keep his head above the liquid which seemed to be everywhere and coming from everywhere, the stomach walls were soft and slippy, each time Matt punched the walls just absorbed the blow and forced his hand back, he tried to stand to push out from where he came but just slipped and submerged into the liquid... Dom continually taunting him, patting and slapping his gut… Suddenly everything started to move back and forth, Matt didn’t know what was going on at first, he stopped moving for a moment everything seemed to be going so slowly for a short time… he could hear gurgling sounds coming from one direction, another the faint beating of Dom’s heart and he listened he could hear Dom, although not as clearly as normal, his voice much softer more like heavy breathing with a few words, it clicked Dom was jerking off! Over this!! Matt was fighting to survive, Dom’s belly juices flowing all over him, the stomach walls massaging him as if he were food, Matt couldn’t believe any of it, he started to get tired and faint, everything was going fast again everything seemed to start to spin… his skin was tingling all over, his hands and arms were numb everything was dizzy then he felt all the remaining air rush up, and Matt heard a gigantic belch once more

“*BELCH* good lad, you are all mine now..........” and Matt blacked out…

Dom just lay there, rubbing his belly trying to make out features of Matt, he could feel his head body and legs, but no arms… the movement had stopped now, but he just lay there enjoying the full feeling of his gut, for about a hour he lay there, rubbing his belly trying to feel features of Matt, letting out the occasional burp… It seemed like only minuets ago he was swallowing Matt, but it was over 4 hours Dom was still burping and rubbing his belly lovingly, he was so exhausted he couldn’t move, he poked at his belly again now barely able to tell the difference between Matt’s legs and head, with a smile he drifted off to sleep…

The next day came Dom woke from a long sleep, at least it seemed that way and Dom’s cock was rock solid and he didn’t even have to touch it before it started to pour with cum, he burped loudly and slapped his gut, now noticeably fatter all over, he actually felt bigger but a fair bit bigger all over, he sat up and looked in the mirror he could see he looked a fair bit bigger, well big enough that he will have to explain the extra weight he gained this weekend to his co-workers… Then his lower gut that gurgled, he lightly tapped hi gut “Well Matt, I’m almost done with ya! And I’ll admit I loved, better than I expected! Hope you enjoy being blubber, cause I’m never going to loose this weight” with that Dom slapped his gut and went to the bathroom

The End

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